Building and maintaining the proper asset allocation is key to the success of an investment strategy. AF Capital Management Advisors will create a plan to fit your individual needs. Although no advisor can guarantee results, we design investment plans that balance risk in relation to your financial goals. We manage your asset allocation among various asset classes including from equities, commodities and fixed income using ETFs, individual stocks, bonds and options where we see value or opportunities for growth that outweight the downside risks. Our approach has proven to produce strong returns within a risk-controlled managed portfolio.

We monitor your portfolio and provide you with performance updates in addition to the monthly account statements provided by the third party custodian holding your account. We recommend Interactive Brokers as our prefered custodian due to their excellent trade executions, industry leading platform and low prices.
AF Capital Management offers two management models for managing your asset allocation, tactical and strategic. All management plans are fee based which allow us to focus on your needs, not which mutual fund gives the biggest royalty. As an independent Investment Advisor, we are not limited on which investment products we use to help you reach your goals.
Strategic Asset Allocation
- A relatively passive portfolio strategy that involves rebalancing the portfolio every six months to maintain a long-term goal for asset allocation.
- The goal is to match the risks and returns of a strategicly designed mix of assets.
- This is a systematic approach that removes attempts to time the markets.
- Fees are lower with a strategic asset allocation due to the lower degree of active management.
Tactical Asset Allocation
- An active management portfolio strategy that rebalances the percentage of assets held in various categories to take advantage of market pricing anomalies or strong market sectors.
- This model uses a combination of both fundamental and technical analysis to time the best entry and exit prices for each position.
- The goal is to beat the returns of a passively managed portfolio while managing downside risk.
- While fees may be higher with a tactical asset allocation the opportunity to beat the market’s return is greater.
Contact an advisor to discuss which approach will best match your needs.